søndag den 23. marts 2014

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Tøj fra genbrug

Jeg fandt en jakke på genbrug til 40,-
Jeg kunne godt tænkte mig en rød blazer, men er ikke typen der bruger mange penge på tøj.
og med nogle få indsyninger og ændringer, blev den faktisk ret pæn :)

"Skillevæg" til vasketøjskurven

I en lejlighed er der ikke rigtig plads til flere vasketøjskurve til de forskellige vaske. Vi har en en stor kurv, men det er altid et stor rod og man skal tømme det hele for at sortere osv.

Defor tænkte jeg; "Jeg laver en skillevæg"
På en gåtur med hunden fandt jeg et par pinde, som jeg fik snittet til.
I en kasse herhjemme fandt jeg et gammelt gardin, jeg ikke bruger mere og det blev til lige hvad jeg gerne ville have.

Stofbleer med motiv. Lidt sjovere end bare hvid

Stofbleer er kedelige, når de bare er hvide. 
Derfor har min søster og jeg fundet på at male dem, for at give baby nogle farver at kigge på.
Jeg bruger stoftuscher som kan tåle 40 eller 60 grader's vask, men bruger aldrig bleerne til andet end savl og gylp, så de kun behøver 40 grader. 

Her er der nogle eksempler på hvad jeg har lavet:
Baby Herkules og Pegasus

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles



Middle Earth - Ringenes Herre universet

Løvernes Konge

DC comics
 Se opslag her
Pricess Sofia
Bambi og Stmape


Alt lam skal have ca. 1 time pr. kg 

Vi tog 1,8 kg lammeribben op af fryseren dagen i forvejen.
Læg kødet på en rist henover en bradepande. 
Pensel med 
Salt / Urtesalt
andet krydderi? vores fik lidt frisk rosmarin

Kødet skal brunes af og derfor skal det lige have de første 10 minutter ved 225 grader,
derefter skrues der ned på 175 grader. 
Disse ribben fik 1,5 time

onsdag den 5. marts 2014



Sprutten der eftersigende skulle være rigtig god til babyer, da fangarmene minder dem om navlestrengen. Lidt kedelige at lave, men farvesammensætninger gør det altid sjovere.
Jeg har lavet lidt forskellige sprutter og der kommer sikkert flere til med tiden.

Mine Sprutter:


Denne abeopskrift har jeg fundet gratis på nettet, jeg har ikke noteret hvor hvilket er rigtig ærgerligt, men jeg vil alligevel gerne dele den med jer..

         En pige abe med kjole på

Opskrift på engelsk. (Måske oversætter jeg den en dag


4 ply yarn
cotton wool
plastic pellets or Azuki beans
embroidery thread or yarn
small black beads
3.5mm crochet hook

Abbreviations US term

sc single crochet (komaami in Japanese)
yoh yarn over hook
2sc dec (komaami 2me ichido in Japanese) :insert hook into the 1st sc, yoh and draw loop through, insert hook into the next sc, yoh and draw loop, yoh and draw through all 3 loops on hook


Ear x2

1:With pale peach yarn, make a double loop with your finger. 6sc into the loop. tighten the loop.
2:2sc into each of 6sc
3: [1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
4: Work 18sc
5: [1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc dec]x6
6: [2sc dec]x6. Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the ear onto the head .


1:With pale peach yarn, make a double loop with your finger. 6sc into the loop. tighten the loop.
2:2sc into each of 6sc
3: [1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
4: [1sc into each of the next 2sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
5: [1sc into each of the next 3sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
6-7: Work 30sc
8:[1sc into each of the next 3sc, 2sc dec]x6. Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the mouth part onto the head.


1:With pale peach yarn, make a double loop with your finger. 6sc into the loop. tighten the loop.
2:2sc into each of 6sc
3: [1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
4: [1sc into each of next 2sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
5: [1sc into each of next 3sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
6: [1sc into each of next 4sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
7: [1sc into each of next 5sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
8: [1sc into each of next 6sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
9-16: Change the colour of the yarn to brown, work 48sc
17:[1sc into each of next 6sc, 2sc dec]x6
18:[1sc into each of next 5sc, 2sc dec]x6
19:[1sc into each of next 4sc, 2sc dec]x6
20:[1sc into each of next 3sc, 2sc dec]x6. Then stop here and sew the mouth part onto the head. NB: Don't forget to stuff enough cotton wool into the mouth part. Sew black beads onto the face as eyes. Embroider eyebrows, a nose and a mouth with embroidery thread or yarn. Sew the ears onto the head. Stuff enough cotton wool into the head.
21:[1sc into each of next 2sc, 2sc dec]x6 
22:[1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc dec]x6
23:[2sc dec]x6. Fasten off and sew the end of the head naturally.


1:With blue yarn (or whatever colour you like for the trousers), make a double loop with your finger. 6sc into the loop. tighten the loop.
2:2sc into each of 6sc
3: [1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
4: [1sc into each of next 2sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
5: [1sc into each of next 3sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
6: [1sc into each of next 4sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
7-10: Work 36sc
11:[2sc dec]x4, work 20sc, [2sc dec]x4
12-23:With pale green yarn (or whatever colour you like for the jumper), work 28sc
24:[1sc into each of next 2sc, 2sc dec]x7
25-27:Work 21sc
28:[1sc into each of next 5sc, 2sc dec]x3
29-30:Work 18sc. Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the body and the head together.

Leg x2

1:With pale peach yarn, make a double loop with your finger. 6sc into the loop. tighten the loop.
2:2sc into each of 6sc
3: [1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc into the next sc]x6
4:Work 18sc
5:1sc into each of next 5sc, [2sc dec] x4, 1sc into each of the next 5sc
6:1sc into each of next 3sc, [2sc dec] x4, 1sc into each of next 3sc
7-22:With brown yarn, work 10sc
23-29:With blue yarn, work 10sc. Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the leg onto the body.

Arm x2

1:With pale peach yarn, make a double loop with your finger. 6sc into the loop. tighten the loop.
2:2sc into each of 6sc
3: [1sc into each of next 3sc, 2sc into next sc] x3
4:Work 15sc
5: [1sc into each of next 3sc, 2sc dec] x3
6:[1sc into the 1st sc, 2sc dec] x4
7-22:With brown yarn, work 8sc
23-30:With green yarn, work 8sc. Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the arm onto the body.


1:with brown yarn, make a double loop with your finger. 6sc into the loop. tighten the loop.
2: [1sc into each of next 2c, 2sc into next sc] x2
3-25:Work 8sc. Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the tail onto the body.


*Stuff some plastic pellets up to the hip of the body to let your monkey sit properly. Then stuff some cotton wool into the rest of the body. Sew the body and the head together with the left over yarn from the body.
*Stuff some pellets only in the hands and the feet. Sew the arms and the legs to the body.
*Sew the tail onto the body. NB: No pellets or cotton wool in the tail.

Med kjole..

Lav masker rundt ud fra kroppen, lige over bukserne.. Lav 28 (en i hver)
2: 4 fm, 2 fm i samme *6
3: 1 fm i hver
4: 5 fm, 2 fm i samme*6
5: 6 fm, 2 fm i samme *6 afslut med km
6: lav blonder:
 *2 stgm i 2. Maske fra pinden, 1lm, 2 stgm i samme maske som de to andre stgm, 1 km i 4. Maske fra pinden(2. Maske fra den hvor de 4 stgm er lavet i.* gentag *-* rundten ud. Afslut med km.

Hr. Stork

Hr. Stork er ikke min egen opskrift. Jeg har fundet den på nettet et sted, for lang tid siden.
Her er pdf'en


Så er der bagt Scones :)
Num num num num num


Hæklet Kay Bojesen Abe

Min mor ville gerne have en hæklet Kay Bojesen abe, så jeg måtte give mig i kast med at lave en sådan. Jeg er selv ret vild med resultatet.


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